Physical therapy services

Physical therapy services

Motor Planning and Execution

  • Therapy helps children with ASD plan and sequence their movements for tasks like dressing, eating, or playing.

Sensory Integration

  • PT can include vestibular and proprioceptive activities to help children with sensory issues, improving their ability to process input and regulate emotional responses.

Strength and Endurance

  • Exercises are often tailored to improve muscle strength and stamina for both fine and gross motor tasks, such as climbing, jumping, or running.

Postural Alignment

  • Helping children develop postural control for better balance, sitting, standing, and walking, which is essential for classroom and social settings.

Functional Mobility

  • Physical therapy focuses on helping children with ASD navigate their environment, improving skills like running, jumping, hopping, and climbing.


  • Many children with ASD have difficulty with hand-eye coordination and other fine motor skills. PT incorporates activities to improve these skills, such as throwing, catching, or using utensils.

Social Play

  • Incorporating physical activities that encourage social interaction, cooperation, and play with peers, aiding in social skill development.

Adaptive Equipment

  • In some cases, physical therapists recommend and train the child on adaptive tools, such as walkers or braces, to aid mobility.